The Biblical character, Barnabas, was said to be a man whose ministry calling was to encourage others.  Like this healthy church leader,  who was more of a giver than a taker, God is using Amazing Grace Global Impact Ministry to encourage discouraged Pastors…and churches.

We are investing countless hours listening to heartbreaking stories of Pastors who are:

…experiencing, on a weekly basis, the brutality shown to them by emotionally and spiritually sick church members, while the silent majority stand idle, forever claiming that they are unaware of anything taking place.

…experiencing the deafening silence of God.

…not enjoying adequate physical intimacy with their mate.

… underpaid and unappreciated.

…lost in a dead-end job (I wish that I could say “ministry assignment”).

…at the point of lowering their chin into their shoulder blades, jamming their hands into their pockets, and kicking a rock.

Our approach is to listen, pray, place tools in the toolboxes of Pastors so that they can deal with these issues themselves, and to stand with them as they journey into the future.

And I am sorry to say that although the majority of the sad stories that we have listened to for decades have come from discouraged Pastors, more and more, we are learning of cases where Pastors, with a controlling leadership-style, are abusing their church families, while hiding behind a carnal interpretation of scripture.  Shame on us!

Pastor, God is here for you, through Amazing Grace Global Impact Ministry!

Church, God is here for you, through Amazing Grace Global Impact Ministry!

We have a lot of experience in this area.  Call on us!